Incredible Christmas artworks created for critically ill children in hospitals around the world

Our team of editors is led by Charm Hauraki and includes - Samantha Vandeyar - Rowena Cherry - Erin Michalski - Sharon Ryan - Callie Crawley - Magaly Tomiampos - Angela Scarano - Kate Mudge - Cristina Menor - Andrea Warren - Melissa Helland - Sandra Ryan - Karen Alsop - Jennie Sallis - Corey Mudge - Robyn Campbell - Selena Rollason - Jesus Ramirez - Angelo van der Klift - Kelly Clark (MacDonald) - Ann Worthy Stephenson - Nicole Abbott
Christmas is an extra challenging time for families that have very sick children in hospital. Every year a volunteer group of photographers and editors spend the Christmas season, bringing joy and hope to these families through powerful and stunning artworks.
The children are photographed in front of a green screen at the hospital, or if they can't leave their bed, the photographers go into the wards. The editors then expertly convert the photograph into an artwork that looks like a magical Christmas card.
This movement started in 2016 with a small group led by Karen Alsop, along with the one-and-only Aussie Santa. Since then it has expanded into all corners of the globe.
Over the last 2 years covid restrictions have meant that Santa hasn't been able to visit the children in person in states other than Melbourne (where he lives when he's not at the North Pole). But this hasn't stopped the magic! Santa is composited into the magical images as though he was really there! Christmas Wish is made possible by the generosity of our many photographers, editors, and supporting imaging companies.
All-time and equipment are provided at no cost so that the children can receive the gift of a lifetime.
Please watch to the end as the credits roll, to appreciate those that give so much. While we haven't been able to list all the editors involved or the team members in the video, we want to personally say thank you, we appreciate you, the work you do means the world to these families.
Teddy's Story
When we visited Kasey in NICU she shared with us her heartbreaking story (see video above). In 2020 they lost their firstborn, Bodhi, after he was born at 24 weeks. He survived in NICU for 4 months and sadly passed away in November 27th at 4 and a half months.
"Oh my gosh I have just realised Bodhi is in Santa's arms!! Thank you so so so much, so special!" - Kasey (Mum)

In 2021 Kasey fell pregnant again. Her second son, Teddy, arrived early at 27 weeks. Teddy still in NICU at Monash Children's Hospital.
Kasey asked Karen Alsop if Bodhi could be included in Teddy's Santa artwork in some way. Karen used a photo sent to her by Kasey to composite Bohdi into the other arm of Santa with his brother Teddy. Karen also removed Santa's n95 mask in Photoshop, to create an incredible work of art for the family.
Christmas Wish Teams 2021

Melbourne - Monash Children's Hospital
Karen Alsop
Robyn Campbell
Victoria MacKay
Rosie Appleton
Julie Kimpton (Nikon Australia)
Michael Marlborough (Kayell Australia)
Santa - @Aussie_Santa
Basem Kerbage (Monash Children's Hospital)

Brisbane - Hummingbird House
Selena Rollason
Kris Anderson
Andrea Warren
Brooke MacWilliam
Heather Rapkins (Hummingbird House)

Adelaide - Womens and Children's Hospital
Jacqui Griffin
Kate Mudge
Naomi Bubner
Corey Mudge
Jennie Sallis

Perth - RMHC
Linda Hewell
John Hewell
Nicole Abbott
Sharon Ryan
Claire Clarke

New York City
Siobhan Greene
There are many stories we can tell, if you would like to get in contact to run an article on this project, please contact Karen Alsop - Project Director
email: info@storyart.com.au
Ph. +61 416 233 451
Other Videos with more stories are available - including the back story of Raphael who we photographed in 2017 (who passed away in 2019 on the day he was booked in to visit @aussie_santa at his farm) composited into a photo with his sisters from 2021

A huge thank you goes out to our imaging supporters:
Nikon Australia - Thank you Julie Kimpton for everything, we love you!)
Kayell Australia - Michael we appreciate you so much for all you do, bringing and setting up all the studio gear. 6th year running with us. Thank you!
Adobe Australia - Jason thankyou for setting us up this year with everything! The editing team is so greatful for the new system using Lightroom CC and Photoshop collaboratively
Brilliant Prints - Your generosity in providing stunning printed artwork for the families is greatly appreciated. What an amazing gift that they will treasure forever! Over 100 families this year impacted by Christmas Wish
Pixelsquid - The editors having access to creative 3d stock assets resulted in out of this world imagery for families. Your 3D stock makes it easy! Thank you
Motion Array - I couldn't create the videos about Christmas Wish without your vast array of assets. The music, the templates, the overlays, help to tell a moving story that is shared with the world.
To Epson, Eizo, Wacom, Canson Infinity, Tether Tools, Smugmug and Capture One, your products help us in bringing joy to these children. Thank you!