“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
When Sienna’s parents contacted me about their family, my heart immediately went out to them. Sienna (6) is a triplet. Her brother, Harry and her sister Grace were born without complications, however Sienna suffers from wheelchair bound Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Epilepsy.
Sienna’s parents reached out to me when I put the call out for families for the first ever heART Project workshop in Melbourne.
“Our daughter is a triplet and about to turn 6 on the 26 March. She has Cerebral Palsy (wheelchair bound) autism, non verbal and suffers from epilepsy. She sits back each day and watches her siblings fly and wishes she could one day…”

For Sienna, and her brother and sister I wanted to bring this dream to life. After thinking through several ideas, I landed on the story of Peter Pan. Casting Sienna as Wendy, and Harry as Peter Pan and Grace as Tinkerbell, the story provided a visual way to create this dream.

I prefer to believe anything is possible, and find a way to make it happen. We may often get overwhelmed with the feeling something is too difficult, but if we take up the challenge, amazing things can happen!
This three part series tell’s the story of Sienna, who sits by the window in her chair looking out on her brother and sister (Peter Pan and Tinkerbell) flying in the sky.

Tinkerbell (Grace) and Peter Pan (Harry) enter Wendy’s (Sienna’s) room and bring the magic that enables Sienna to fly. Here we see Peter Pan raise Wendy from her chair, Wendy’s dream becoming reality.

Now realising that she can truely fly, Wendy (Sienna) joins Peter Pan and Tinkerbell (her brother and sister) to fly through the sky, off to Never Never Land

For more visit: http://storyart.com.au/siennas-story-the-heart-project/