Native Australian Animals are at risk. Though Kangaroos and other native species may seem to be numerous, they are threatened due to their natural habitats being replaced with growing housing needs in Australia.
This image seeks to provide a visual reminder to Australians to consider the future of our native species and to think long term in planning for growth, and sustaining our animal population.
SOOC Images used in this Composite

I'm excited to announce that I will be releasing (through a major online tutorial site) a step by step on the editing process of this particular image. I photographed the building site scene just this week with my brand new, beautiful, Sony A7rII camera (42mp of detail). The animals I integrated into the scene were photographed at Myuna Farm and other local wildlife areas. One of the biggest things you will probably notice about the original images and the finished piece is the difference in light. I have found the best time to go out and photograph my own stock (images that I don't have a specific plan for yet) is during an overcast day. You can always add light and shadows, but it's much more difficult to change a strongly lit scene.
One last word of advice... This comes from today's sad photoshop fail. Save in two places even when your image is a work in progress. I generally back up my files quite regularly and save in multiple locations. However for this one as I'd 'only been working on it for about 4 hours I hadn't yet gotten around to backing it up. When saving my finished piece after a few minor alterations, I found the computer sluggish and Photoshop had stalled at 98%. I thought it was safe to force quit Photoshop because I had recently saved the file and hadn't changed much. Unfortunately when I re-opened the file, though it was still showing at 3.5gb (as a tiff), it was completely flattened. There were no layers, the image was High Res but flattened as a background layer. I am unsure why this happened, and I've certainly learnt my lesson when working on future pieces. My only consultation is that I was planning to re-do most of the image to take you through all the steps in the tutorial anyway. If anyone else has had a similar glitch happen in Photoshop CC 2015 I'd love to hear about it, this may be something that needs to be reported to Adobe.